So, home coming is Friday and I have been totally excited to go! That is unusual, because for the last three years I have had no interest at all in homecoming. In fact I'm not usually hyped about any dance. In this case I am. I made a promise three years ago that I had to go to homecoming and prom senior year. And for once in my life I am totally excited for a dance, other than Military Ball.
This year's theme is "A Red Carpet Night". Sounds pretty fun. I have seen pictures of the previous years in the yearbook, but they had never really enticed me. This year, I am keeping a promise and I am totally loving it! My goal has been to lighten up and have some "responsible" fun, meaning not goofing off so much that I'm slacking. My new attitude has done much for me. I have learned that some things aren't as bad as they seem.
Now that whole homecoming court thing, never did get that. I was thinking about running just for the fun of it, but never turned the application in. Haha. Wouldn't have mattered anyway. It's all just a popularity contest anyway. Of course I never vote for popular ones, instead for the ones who I think would appreciate having the position, never for the popluar.
Anywho, I'm really excited for Saturday and I can't wait to go! It should be a lot of fun! I'm actually going to a dance, other than our Jrotc dances. Wow. What a thought. Lol.
"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
18th Birthday Party!
I have officially been eighteen for one week. How awesome is that!?! Well, my party was today and it was great! My dad and two youngest brothers came all the way from Risingsun to be at my party. I was so excited to see them! I also had my great uncle there as well as many other family members whom I love to death. I also had the privilege of having friends there too!
My step-dad, Rich, was able to get his friend, Bob, to DJ for the party. I really enjoyed having the music. It was a relief to not have to worry about "babysitting" Cd's and boom boxes. Bob did an awesome job! Having him there, playing music, really brought the party together!
We played all sorts of games from trivia, to riddles, to mind teasers, we played it all. The snow ball dance was probably the best one. Grams and Gramps started the dance and eventually we had most everyone on the dance floor. We had to drag Harley out there, but we got him out there. Lol. Everyone enjoyed having some fun.
Grams had bought an ice cream cake, which I had no knowledge of it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the surprise! It was decorated with a blue Ford Mustang with sprinkles. It was a lovely cake, just like the ones before. Thank you, Grams! She also did a fabulous job helping with the food and set-up. In fact everyone who helped did a fabulous job! I enjoyed myself and the party. It was great! If fact you only turn eighteen once, right? So why not have some fun!
My step-dad, Rich, was able to get his friend, Bob, to DJ for the party. I really enjoyed having the music. It was a relief to not have to worry about "babysitting" Cd's and boom boxes. Bob did an awesome job! Having him there, playing music, really brought the party together!
We played all sorts of games from trivia, to riddles, to mind teasers, we played it all. The snow ball dance was probably the best one. Grams and Gramps started the dance and eventually we had most everyone on the dance floor. We had to drag Harley out there, but we got him out there. Lol. Everyone enjoyed having some fun.
Grams had bought an ice cream cake, which I had no knowledge of it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the surprise! It was decorated with a blue Ford Mustang with sprinkles. It was a lovely cake, just like the ones before. Thank you, Grams! She also did a fabulous job helping with the food and set-up. In fact everyone who helped did a fabulous job! I enjoyed myself and the party. It was great! If fact you only turn eighteen once, right? So why not have some fun!
Friday, September 26, 2008

As some of you know, I am a member of the Southview JROTC program. It is a great program to be in! I absolutely love it! The program consists of a ninety minute class that teaches you to be a better student, leader, and citizen. Here you learn how to march and properly salute. You also learn what a leader is and how to become a better one. Along with the class there are many opportunities to get involved with extra curricular activities. We have several drill teams who compete against other schools. These drill teams include: Armed IDR, Unarmed IDR, Armed Exhibition, Unarmed Exhibition, Color Guard, Honor Guard, and Marksmanship. We also have a lot of opportunities to do service to our community like participating in "Clothe-A-Child", Salvation Army Bell Ringing, and a service learning project.
If you think that the JROTC program is nothing but serious stuff, you're sadly mistaken. We have at least two if not three dances a year; Military Ball, Halloween Dance, and a Valentine's Day Dance. We also have Cosmic Bowling nights in which we can raise the money for our great dances. The Saints Battalion is always having fun in one way or another. Once at competition there was a flickering light in the hallway. Well, it seemed to be that we where all fascinated with it and looked at it for minutes on end. Since then we have joked about it. We love to have fun, but also know when we need to be serious. hence the name "Crazy ROTC Kids."
I have been in the program for three years now. I am currently working on my fourth and final year in this great program. Armed Exhibition has been my life for the last two years and I will greatly miss our hard working team. JROTC is truly a great program. The nice thing about it is that you experiance the millitary life and have no obligation to join the military, that is unless you want to. Lol. Many have asked me if I plan to continue the program in college. The truth is simply this: I do not know. I have enjoyed the program greatly and have thought about continuing in college, but I do not know if I will. In the mean time, I enjoy Armed Exhibiton, JROTC, and competition.
If you think that the JROTC program is nothing but serious stuff, you're sadly mistaken. We have at least two if not three dances a year; Military Ball, Halloween Dance, and a Valentine's Day Dance. We also have Cosmic Bowling nights in which we can raise the money for our great dances. The Saints Battalion is always having fun in one way or another. Once at competition there was a flickering light in the hallway. Well, it seemed to be that we where all fascinated with it and looked at it for minutes on end. Since then we have joked about it. We love to have fun, but also know when we need to be serious. hence the name "Crazy ROTC Kids."
I have been in the program for three years now. I am currently working on my fourth and final year in this great program. Armed Exhibition has been my life for the last two years and I will greatly miss our hard working team. JROTC is truly a great program. The nice thing about it is that you experiance the millitary life and have no obligation to join the military, that is unless you want to. Lol. Many have asked me if I plan to continue the program in college. The truth is simply this: I do not know. I have enjoyed the program greatly and have thought about continuing in college, but I do not know if I will. In the mean time, I enjoy Armed Exhibiton, JROTC, and competition.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Stepdad.
So, in the last forty-eight hours I've been thinking about my stepdad. In the beggining I didn't reaally like the idea of him getting "hitched" to my mom. I hated it. Not that I hated him, infact I thought he was a really cool guy, but I just didn't like the idea of mom marrying him.
I'd always thought of Rich as being an "un-official member" of the family. That was cool and all, that is until he married my mom. I hated the idea of another man in mom's life. I guess, looking back at it, that I was scared to get close to another man in my mothers life. I was scared that if I did I would only get hurt. I saw so many guys come and go from my mother's life and I was tired of it. I was so tired of it, that I made sure that I wasn't at the wedding. Now, I kind of wish I was.
As time went on I came across the quote that reads: "If you hold back because you're afraid of getting hurt, you wind up getting hurt anyway." I thought about this long and hard. It was so true, especially when it came to relationships. So, I started thinking differently. I began to pick out the good things and leave the rest out. I started to see how Mom and Harley felt about Rich. I could see that he meant a lot to Mom. Grams and Gramps seemed to like him. They actually thought it was nice having him around. Once I saw things from a different light, things seemed to fall in place.
It was just a little over two weeks, when Rich took Mom, Harley, Andy and myself to dinner in honor of Mom's birthday. It was then that I started to think about Rich in a totally different light. Andy had asked who was paying for dinner. I started to say "Dad." and then quickly changed it to "Rich." That Monday, at family home evening, I made the comment about what had happened that night. I also mentioned the thing about Rich. It was then when Mom relayed this information to me: "Rich doesn't mind if you call him 'Dad'." I was in stupor for but a moment. That statement started a long string of mental thoughts that somewhat made sense.
I'd seen what he's done for me. Card's and chocolate at Valentine's Day. The work he put into finding the right birthday presents. Talking to me about Ford Mustangs and how he would help me find an Old School Mustang that we could re-fabricate. And asking a friend of his to DJ at my 18th birthday party and even paying for it. Some say that he may be trying to buy his way into my good list, but to me he really cares. Come to think of it he does.
I realized that Rich really did care about me and my brothers. That he tried to show it in what he said and did. It just dawned on me all at once. I really have changed my attitude about Rich. And attitude really does make the difference. I'm proud to call Rich my stepdad and maybe someday I'll be proud call him my dad. In the mean time I thank him so much for all he has done for me. Thank so much, Rich. You're awsome!
I'd always thought of Rich as being an "un-official member" of the family. That was cool and all, that is until he married my mom. I hated the idea of another man in mom's life. I guess, looking back at it, that I was scared to get close to another man in my mothers life. I was scared that if I did I would only get hurt. I saw so many guys come and go from my mother's life and I was tired of it. I was so tired of it, that I made sure that I wasn't at the wedding. Now, I kind of wish I was.
As time went on I came across the quote that reads: "If you hold back because you're afraid of getting hurt, you wind up getting hurt anyway." I thought about this long and hard. It was so true, especially when it came to relationships. So, I started thinking differently. I began to pick out the good things and leave the rest out. I started to see how Mom and Harley felt about Rich. I could see that he meant a lot to Mom. Grams and Gramps seemed to like him. They actually thought it was nice having him around. Once I saw things from a different light, things seemed to fall in place.
It was just a little over two weeks, when Rich took Mom, Harley, Andy and myself to dinner in honor of Mom's birthday. It was then that I started to think about Rich in a totally different light. Andy had asked who was paying for dinner. I started to say "Dad." and then quickly changed it to "Rich." That Monday, at family home evening, I made the comment about what had happened that night. I also mentioned the thing about Rich. It was then when Mom relayed this information to me: "Rich doesn't mind if you call him 'Dad'." I was in stupor for but a moment. That statement started a long string of mental thoughts that somewhat made sense.
I'd seen what he's done for me. Card's and chocolate at Valentine's Day. The work he put into finding the right birthday presents. Talking to me about Ford Mustangs and how he would help me find an Old School Mustang that we could re-fabricate. And asking a friend of his to DJ at my 18th birthday party and even paying for it. Some say that he may be trying to buy his way into my good list, but to me he really cares. Come to think of it he does.
I realized that Rich really did care about me and my brothers. That he tried to show it in what he said and did. It just dawned on me all at once. I really have changed my attitude about Rich. And attitude really does make the difference. I'm proud to call Rich my stepdad and maybe someday I'll be proud call him my dad. In the mean time I thank him so much for all he has done for me. Thank so much, Rich. You're awsome!
Party Plans!
Ok, so I've been planning my 18th birthday party since the 20th. It's been hillarious! I keep trying to get ahead of myself and it just dosen't work. So. I'm always telling myself to slow down and take it easy. After all, I do have a week, plenty of time, if I plan it all just right.
Since Sunday I have been undauntingly trying to reach that long list, 33 to be exact, of people. Some have responded with quick enthusiasum, others not so quite, and still others not at all. No matter, I have not given up on the idea of getting as many of them, as I can, to come. It's kind of funny because most people thought that I had had a party on my birthday, while the fact was I was really shopping. Yep, shopping.
I spent my birthday shopping for cool and crazy things for my party. Gramps had taken Grams and I to dinner the night before, as well as to see "Mama Mia!", so shopping was no problem. Not to mention I wanted to! I was so excited to get started with plans that it didn't bother me to start then, on my birthday.
Anyway, I love to shop, especially window shop. Yeah, it's a little funny to some, but I love window shopping. In this case, I was actually going to spend money. Haha. We went up to the mall and, well, did a little damage. Lol. Not too much mind you. We spent most of our time in Dollar Tree looking for decorations. Well, that turned into decorations and prizes and party favors. It was fun too see what we all came up with for prizes. I was going for practical as well as something for everyone. Ya know, something like notebooks or car air fresheners, stuff like that. The other two, well, they had some really good ideas and some not so good ideas. Lol.
After a few more stops, we made it home. Home with a pile of bags up to our elbows. In fact I'm still somewhere, in that pile, trying to make some sense of it. Lol. It's all cool, though.
Since Saturday I have been making list after list of things to do, who's coming or not coming, what I have and what I need etc. Grams says I make too many lists, but the thing is if I don't I'll go insane. I'm very organized when it comes to certain things like school, my locker, and even plans for the day. Anyway, I still have a lot to do by Friday, but it's coming together piece by piece. In the mean time I try to keep calm, focus, and most of all don't get ahead of myself. I find that you can't go from point "A" to point "D" without first going to points "B" and "C".
Since Sunday I have been undauntingly trying to reach that long list, 33 to be exact, of people. Some have responded with quick enthusiasum, others not so quite, and still others not at all. No matter, I have not given up on the idea of getting as many of them, as I can, to come. It's kind of funny because most people thought that I had had a party on my birthday, while the fact was I was really shopping. Yep, shopping.
I spent my birthday shopping for cool and crazy things for my party. Gramps had taken Grams and I to dinner the night before, as well as to see "Mama Mia!", so shopping was no problem. Not to mention I wanted to! I was so excited to get started with plans that it didn't bother me to start then, on my birthday.
Anyway, I love to shop, especially window shop. Yeah, it's a little funny to some, but I love window shopping. In this case, I was actually going to spend money. Haha. We went up to the mall and, well, did a little damage. Lol. Not too much mind you. We spent most of our time in Dollar Tree looking for decorations. Well, that turned into decorations and prizes and party favors. It was fun too see what we all came up with for prizes. I was going for practical as well as something for everyone. Ya know, something like notebooks or car air fresheners, stuff like that. The other two, well, they had some really good ideas and some not so good ideas. Lol.
After a few more stops, we made it home. Home with a pile of bags up to our elbows. In fact I'm still somewhere, in that pile, trying to make some sense of it. Lol. It's all cool, though.
Since Saturday I have been making list after list of things to do, who's coming or not coming, what I have and what I need etc. Grams says I make too many lists, but the thing is if I don't I'll go insane. I'm very organized when it comes to certain things like school, my locker, and even plans for the day. Anyway, I still have a lot to do by Friday, but it's coming together piece by piece. In the mean time I try to keep calm, focus, and most of all don't get ahead of myself. I find that you can't go from point "A" to point "D" without first going to points "B" and "C".
Saturday, September 20, 2008
18th Birthday!
So, today is my 18th birthday and I'm totally enjoying it! I wanted to be up at 7:54am, when I was born, but wasn't able to because my phone alarm got muffled so I couldn't hear it. I thought it'd be cool to be up then, just so I could enjoy the moment in it's entiety. Well, it didn't happen that way, but no biggie, there's always next year.
My Grandfather made homemade pancakes, which I wasn't so sure about, but they turned really good. Homemade is delicious and the chocolate chips and walnuts didn't hurt either. That was a great way to start the day! Mmm...pancakes!
After the moring feastivities I started planning my party for next week. This means phone calls, emails, texts and invites, along with game plans, decorations and everything else. I'm so excited, that most people have been wondering what has gotten into me. Haha, I'm perfectly sane I promise. Lol.
I'm totally excited to be 18 and so excited to celebrate it, too! I was counting down the days and the then hours and minutes until today. Now that today is here I'm so happy. My life has just begun, well not literally, but in other ways. If you know what I mean. It's been a great day so far and I'm hoping it will be an even greater day. Cheers to the life and day of the 18 year old!
My Grandfather made homemade pancakes, which I wasn't so sure about, but they turned really good. Homemade is delicious and the chocolate chips and walnuts didn't hurt either. That was a great way to start the day! Mmm...pancakes!
After the moring feastivities I started planning my party for next week. This means phone calls, emails, texts and invites, along with game plans, decorations and everything else. I'm so excited, that most people have been wondering what has gotten into me. Haha, I'm perfectly sane I promise. Lol.
I'm totally excited to be 18 and so excited to celebrate it, too! I was counting down the days and the then hours and minutes until today. Now that today is here I'm so happy. My life has just begun, well not literally, but in other ways. If you know what I mean. It's been a great day so far and I'm hoping it will be an even greater day. Cheers to the life and day of the 18 year old!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Blogging In A New World.
So, I've been hearing a lot about BlogSpot and to tell you the truth I've been very interested in it. I've sat a listened to Grams tell stories of all the things she's learned about our various friends. Each story is quite interesting and I've throughly enjoyed hearing them.
As I listened and learned I became very interested with the idea of a web site just for blogging. I've blogged a lot on Myspace and have enjoyed doing it. It was recently that I began to think that not everyone would be able to access my blog on Myspace. This is when I started to think about Blogspot. I started thinking that it would be a cool thing to do and it would be easier for those non-myspacers to keep up with what is going on. In conclusion I decided to start my own blog on Blogspot.
So, here I am blogging in a whole new world of blogs. I think I'm going to like it here on Blogspot and I'll try my best to keep it updated as much as I can. So Here's to a new adventure in a new world of nothing but blogs! Keep stopping by to cheack what's new because you never know what will land here in "A Dragonfly's Life".
As I listened and learned I became very interested with the idea of a web site just for blogging. I've blogged a lot on Myspace and have enjoyed doing it. It was recently that I began to think that not everyone would be able to access my blog on Myspace. This is when I started to think about Blogspot. I started thinking that it would be a cool thing to do and it would be easier for those non-myspacers to keep up with what is going on. In conclusion I decided to start my own blog on Blogspot.
So, here I am blogging in a whole new world of blogs. I think I'm going to like it here on Blogspot and I'll try my best to keep it updated as much as I can. So Here's to a new adventure in a new world of nothing but blogs! Keep stopping by to cheack what's new because you never know what will land here in "A Dragonfly's Life".
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