"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"

Friday, October 3, 2008

A Real Dragonfly: The Story Behind The Picture

So, Grams gave me this really cool idea today. She made the suggestion that I should put the picture of "my" dragonfly on my blog, somewhere, because it would fit the title of my blog "A Dragonfly's Life. So, thinking it was a good idea I decided to see what I could do.

I played around with it to see what I liked the most and the results are obviously what you see when you arrive at my blog. I then got to thinking that not everyone knows the story of my dragonfly and how the picture come to be. So here is the quite interesting story of the dragonfly you see here on my blog...

Every year Grams and I attend our Winans Sanborn Family Reunion, which is always the Sunday after Father's Day. This year Grams, Mom, Harley and I all went. It was quite the experience, but very fun in itself. We had a lot of fun talking and catching up on the year's events.
During the course of the day I spent a lot of time with the other youth that attended. I always seem to do this as I have always had more fun with them, than talking about things I had no recollection of such as the earlier reunions. Not that genealogy isn't interesting, mind you.
By the end of the day one of the younger youth had noticed a dragonfly. This particular dragonfly seemed to have it's own calm way about it that was just not natural for dragonflies or other insects of the nature. It seemed to not be afraid of the human presence.
I, being the dragonfly lover that I am, had to get a closer look. I was fascinated by this gorgeous creature of beauty. I was surprised when I was able to get really close to it and not have it fly away. By this time I had to have a picture of this strange, yet beautiful creature. It allowed me to get within only about two inches of it so I could take a picture with my camera phone. I was utterly amazed. I was also excited because I was able to capture a real live dragonfly. How often does that happen?

I am grateful to have had that opportunity to be that close to a dragonfly and capture its beauty. Mother Nature is a wondrous thing. Kind of like life.

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