I decided this year, that instead of buying all my Christmas presents, I would make as may as I could. I figured that this would be a really fun thing to do. It would be challenging, but economically fun. Later I decided, with the help of Grams, that I would use this epiphany of an idea for a Young Women project. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
So far, I'm about eight or nine hours into the project and I've only nearly finished one of my many little activies. Each activity is as personalized and easy as I can make it. For example cross stitching. Easy enough, and not too time consuming.
I'd love to post some pictures of my projects, if only my email wasn't a pain. It won't allow me to download my pics that I send from my phone, it used to, but it won't now. Anyway, I''l try my best to paint vivid pictures in you mind. So here goes...
For Mom, I'm making a cross-stiched pot holder. It's white with a pocket, that you could put your hand in, on the front. When I finish it it'll have two bunnies, one female and one male, on either side of heart. The bunnies will be wearing the same colors but in opposites mening that if the male is wearing a teal shirt with blue cover-alls the female will have teal dress with a blue shirt.
For Dad, I'm putting together a "Single Dad's Survivor Kit". It'll include everything you need to survive the single parents life, such as: air freshener, ear plugs, all-purpose clear, work gloves, flash light and my personal favorite, DUCT TAPE!
For Leanna, I'm putting together a "Triple Star Get A Way". It's based off the "triple star treatment" from the book Cages. It includes: a candle, pouff, lotion, body spray, shower gel, and chocolate! In the book it was a bag of six-pointed chocolate stars, but in this case it's M&M's. It's more for those times that she needs a break from the kids.
For Richard, it'll be a nautical fleece tie blanket. One side is red with ships, trophies, helms wheel, fish, light houses etc. The other side will be a darker plain blue.
I'd better stop there before I completely give away everything! Haha. Some other things on my list are: homemade calendars with family pictures, homemade CD's (Christmas or Family Favorites), and some other "I can't say what they are" items.
"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Temps! Yay!
So, I finally got my temps today! I've only been bugging Grams for, oh, a year! Haha. I'm just glad that I have them and can start learning how to drive.
We went up to Elyria to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (which some how we couldn't find) and requested the temps packet. After filling out some papers a verify information, I was ready to the the written part of the test. I was a little nervous, but that was only because it was a new experience. I took the test with ease and passed with 75%. I was hoping for higher, at least I passed though. Woo! Anyway I walked out there feeling pretty good. I was now able to drive.
Grams and I left the BMV. I figured that we would probably head home, but Grams had other plans. She drove up to Oberlin High School, parked the car and prepared to switch seats. By this time I was starting to freak out. I wanted to drive, but wasn't so sure of the whole thing. After a few jerks and laughs, I was navigating the parking lot with ease. After about an hour, Grams and I decided that I was ready for the road. I told her that she would have to navigate for me, since I didn't know the way home.
I managed to drive home in one piece and without too many problems. Grams had me take mostly back roads so I didn't have to worry too much about traffic. She also had me take Route 2 because we both figured that 254 would be a bit of a challenge. I did very well, except for some dumb idiot driver who almost cut me off on the on ramp. Other than that I did good.
I am totally excited to have my temps and am not so sure about the road ahead. (No pun intended. Haha.) Whatever comes, I'll be ready. For this new and exciting adventure that lies ahead.
We went up to Elyria to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (which some how we couldn't find) and requested the temps packet. After filling out some papers a verify information, I was ready to the the written part of the test. I was a little nervous, but that was only because it was a new experience. I took the test with ease and passed with 75%. I was hoping for higher, at least I passed though. Woo! Anyway I walked out there feeling pretty good. I was now able to drive.
Grams and I left the BMV. I figured that we would probably head home, but Grams had other plans. She drove up to Oberlin High School, parked the car and prepared to switch seats. By this time I was starting to freak out. I wanted to drive, but wasn't so sure of the whole thing. After a few jerks and laughs, I was navigating the parking lot with ease. After about an hour, Grams and I decided that I was ready for the road. I told her that she would have to navigate for me, since I didn't know the way home.
I managed to drive home in one piece and without too many problems. Grams had me take mostly back roads so I didn't have to worry too much about traffic. She also had me take Route 2 because we both figured that 254 would be a bit of a challenge. I did very well, except for some dumb idiot driver who almost cut me off on the on ramp. Other than that I did good.
I am totally excited to have my temps and am not so sure about the road ahead. (No pun intended. Haha.) Whatever comes, I'll be ready. For this new and exciting adventure that lies ahead.
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Possum Visit.
This is quite the story and it still freaks me out!
My friend called the other and I was having trouble hearing, so I went outside for minute. After a while I decided to go back in, but thought I should check on my bunnies one last time that night. So, I headed to the garage and opened the door. As soon as I stepped inside I had a possum staring me in face. I screamed. And very loudly at that. I stepped out side, took a deep breath and took another look. Yes, my eyes were not deceiving me there really was a possum in my garage and he really was looking at me from about twelve inches away. I totally freaked. All you heard for the next thirty seconds was "Daddy! Daddy!" Finally Gramps (dad) came to the breakfast nook window looking like "What is going on?" I told him that there was some animal in the garage and it looked like a possum. He said "Okay." and headed outside. As he came out I explained what I saw, and where, as he looked around. Once he saw it he was like "Yeah, that's a possum. He's a wild animal and you should stay back away from it." So I backed away into the back yard. By this time Robert, my friend who had called, was laughing at me. I was freaked and making a joke of it helped me not feel so "scared". Dad opened the front and side doors of the garage. He then took a stick with a jacket on the end and coaxed/pushed the possum out the door. Once he was out I closed the front door, while dad closed the side door. I was still pretty freaked out, but again laughing at it made it slightly better. That night I had nightmares about a possum being in the house and not being able to get it out of the house. Totally freaky. In fact I had dreams about it last night too. I guess it was due to the vivid freshness of a scary experience. Later that night I prayed for the possum that he would find a safe place, away from the city, to stay. The prayer was a little odd I guess but it helped me feel more at ease about things. Anyway, I can still see that calm possum looking at me, with no fear, and then curling up for a nap on top of my rabbit cages. I think that Samantha, Pegasus, and Rascal were scared too. And somehow I know exactly how they feel. In fact I'm still nervous about going to the garage, in the dark.
My friend called the other and I was having trouble hearing, so I went outside for minute. After a while I decided to go back in, but thought I should check on my bunnies one last time that night. So, I headed to the garage and opened the door. As soon as I stepped inside I had a possum staring me in face. I screamed. And very loudly at that. I stepped out side, took a deep breath and took another look. Yes, my eyes were not deceiving me there really was a possum in my garage and he really was looking at me from about twelve inches away. I totally freaked. All you heard for the next thirty seconds was "Daddy! Daddy!" Finally Gramps (dad) came to the breakfast nook window looking like "What is going on?" I told him that there was some animal in the garage and it looked like a possum. He said "Okay." and headed outside. As he came out I explained what I saw, and where, as he looked around. Once he saw it he was like "Yeah, that's a possum. He's a wild animal and you should stay back away from it." So I backed away into the back yard. By this time Robert, my friend who had called, was laughing at me. I was freaked and making a joke of it helped me not feel so "scared". Dad opened the front and side doors of the garage. He then took a stick with a jacket on the end and coaxed/pushed the possum out the door. Once he was out I closed the front door, while dad closed the side door. I was still pretty freaked out, but again laughing at it made it slightly better. That night I had nightmares about a possum being in the house and not being able to get it out of the house. Totally freaky. In fact I had dreams about it last night too. I guess it was due to the vivid freshness of a scary experience. Later that night I prayed for the possum that he would find a safe place, away from the city, to stay. The prayer was a little odd I guess but it helped me feel more at ease about things. Anyway, I can still see that calm possum looking at me, with no fear, and then curling up for a nap on top of my rabbit cages. I think that Samantha, Pegasus, and Rascal were scared too. And somehow I know exactly how they feel. In fact I'm still nervous about going to the garage, in the dark.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Weird. Not at all.
7 weird things about me? You gotta be kidding...I'm truly not that weird...but here goes:
1. I cannot eat Cherios with milk. I have to eat them out of the box and am often found carrying the box with me, where ever I go.
2. My feet have to be covered when I sleep. It doesn't matter if it's 30 or 95 degrees out. I have to have my feet covered.
3. My cell and my mp3 are two things that I would be lost without.
4. I love scrap booking, reading and writing poems. I just have to find more time to do them.
5. I've broken five different bones. The big bone in the elbow and toes 2-5 (every toe except the big toe) in my right foot. The elbow was broken on black ice and my toes in a bicycle accident. DO NOT wear flip flops! Very Dangerous!
6. I'm "double" joined as they put it, in all my toes and fingers, but on in the first and second joints.
7. I've always wondered what it would b like to work a farm. In fact, I've even toyed with the idea of having my own farm. Crazy, I know.
And I will tag: Phyllis, Heather, Karen, Deborah, Kate, and Jocelyn.
1. I cannot eat Cherios with milk. I have to eat them out of the box and am often found carrying the box with me, where ever I go.
2. My feet have to be covered when I sleep. It doesn't matter if it's 30 or 95 degrees out. I have to have my feet covered.
3. My cell and my mp3 are two things that I would be lost without.
4. I love scrap booking, reading and writing poems. I just have to find more time to do them.
5. I've broken five different bones. The big bone in the elbow and toes 2-5 (every toe except the big toe) in my right foot. The elbow was broken on black ice and my toes in a bicycle accident. DO NOT wear flip flops! Very Dangerous!
6. I'm "double" joined as they put it, in all my toes and fingers, but on in the first and second joints.
7. I've always wondered what it would b like to work a farm. In fact, I've even toyed with the idea of having my own farm. Crazy, I know.
And I will tag: Phyllis, Heather, Karen, Deborah, Kate, and Jocelyn.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Photo Tag!

So, I've been tagged. Beware I just might tag you! Lol. As I searched through my pictures folder, trying to figure out which picture would land on picture tag, I thought about how fun this might be. In fact it should be pretty fun, because I have a lot I can tell you about this picture and the story that comes with it.
It was just July 30, that I was loading a bus to Nauvoo for Youth Conference. I had my crutches in hand, with the undaunting determination to go. I wasn't going to miss this, ever! I hadn't been to Nauvoo since I was four and I wasn't going to let four broken toes stop me from partaking of the great testimony builder of a lifetime. I knew what was ahead, and I knew that I would have to rely on those around me for even the simplest things. I was a trooper though.
This picture was taken the last day of our trip. I had be excited for all the weeks events and I couldn't wait for Carthage Jail. I hadn't been to Carthage before, so this was a whole knew experience for me. I waited patiently as possible to tour the jail. By this, time I was used to the funny looks and the "Are you sure?" comments that came with the job description of Gimpy. Haha. I had gone through plenty of other houses and I wasn't going to miss this one!
From the moment I stepped into the jail I knew that it was hallowed ground. This was the beginning of my testimony of Joesph Smith. I mean the beginning of the sealing of my testimony of Joseph Smith. As we moved through the jail, from room to room, I felt the spirit so strongly and I, without a doubt, that Joseph Smith was really there and that his death was a very important part of our church's growth.
As I entered the Martyrdom Room I couldn't help but have the utmost reverence for the events that happened there. I knew, because of the strong spirit, that Joseph Smith did spend time, that he was a prophet of God, and that his death did happen here. I also got a taste of the love he had for his fellow beings. I hope that someday, in the life to come, that I will be able to talk to him as did with those early saints, that I will know him as they did, but most importantly to thank him. Thank him for his courage, sacrifice and endurance that he so faithfully endured and showed in a time of many harsh trials. I am so very grateful for love, his testimony, his sacrifice that he gave to reinstate the true gospel of Christ on this earth today.
Nauvoo was truly a testimony building experience. I was undaunted in my faith and determination to go, broken toes and all, and I am so grateful for that.
Jrotc Halloween Dance 2008
So, the Jrotc Halloween dance was Friday. Totally awesome! I went early to help set up, which was really cool. Danielle had some really good ideas, like spelling "Happy Halloween" in spider webs and using "Caution" tape with fog machines. It didn't take that long to set up and we had plenty of time to chill before the others arrived.
We had a lot of good costumes and some not so good costumes. Some of the good ones where "Men in Black", a wizard, "The Joker", army man, werewolf, "Elvis", and of course me; the T-Bird Greaser. A lot of the girls had "skimpy" outfits like French maid, sexy cop, sexy minnie mouse (not cool), and sexy "Queen of Hearts". Some did well in making them more appropriate than others. All in all the costumes where good and the turn out was even better!
By the time the dance was over I was exhausted. I had been on my feet for entire day and constantly moving. Thinking about it now, it was totally worth it. I spent time with friends, stepped out into the social world, and had fun! Oh, to the ones that didn't go...They sure missed out! Oh, and they'll be hearing about it from me come Monday. Muh ha ha. :D
We had a lot of good costumes and some not so good costumes. Some of the good ones where "Men in Black", a wizard, "The Joker", army man, werewolf, "Elvis", and of course me; the T-Bird Greaser. A lot of the girls had "skimpy" outfits like French maid, sexy cop, sexy minnie mouse (not cool), and sexy "Queen of Hearts". Some did well in making them more appropriate than others. All in all the costumes where good and the turn out was even better!
By the time the dance was over I was exhausted. I had been on my feet for entire day and constantly moving. Thinking about it now, it was totally worth it. I spent time with friends, stepped out into the social world, and had fun! Oh, to the ones that didn't go...They sure missed out! Oh, and they'll be hearing about it from me come Monday. Muh ha ha. :D
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