"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Photo Tag!

So, I've been tagged. Beware I just might tag you! Lol. As I searched through my pictures folder, trying to figure out which picture would land on picture tag, I thought about how fun this might be. In fact it should be pretty fun, because I have a lot I can tell you about this picture and the story that comes with it.

It was just July 30, that I was loading a bus to Nauvoo for Youth Conference. I had my crutches in hand, with the undaunting determination to go. I wasn't going to miss this, ever! I hadn't been to Nauvoo since I was four and I wasn't going to let four broken toes stop me from partaking of the great testimony builder of a lifetime. I knew what was ahead, and I knew that I would have to rely on those around me for even the simplest things. I was a trooper though.

This picture was taken the last day of our trip. I had be excited for all the weeks events and I couldn't wait for Carthage Jail. I hadn't been to Carthage before, so this was a whole knew experience for me. I waited patiently as possible to tour the jail. By this, time I was used to the funny looks and the "Are you sure?" comments that came with the job description of Gimpy. Haha. I had gone through plenty of other houses and I wasn't going to miss this one!

From the moment I stepped into the jail I knew that it was hallowed ground. This was the beginning of my testimony of Joesph Smith. I mean the beginning of the sealing of my testimony of Joseph Smith. As we moved through the jail, from room to room, I felt the spirit so strongly and I, without a doubt, that Joseph Smith was really there and that his death was a very important part of our church's growth.

As I entered the Martyrdom Room I couldn't help but have the utmost reverence for the events that happened there. I knew, because of the strong spirit, that Joseph Smith did spend time, that he was a prophet of God, and that his death did happen here. I also got a taste of the love he had for his fellow beings. I hope that someday, in the life to come, that I will be able to talk to him as did with those early saints, that I will know him as they did, but most importantly to thank him. Thank him for his courage, sacrifice and endurance that he so faithfully endured and showed in a time of many harsh trials. I am so very grateful for love, his testimony, his sacrifice that he gave to reinstate the true gospel of Christ on this earth today.
Nauvoo was truly a testimony building experience. I was undaunted in my faith and determination to go, broken toes and all, and I am so grateful for that.

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