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I bought this hat at a little resale shop in Oberlin called Touched By Grace. They had so many different vintage hats there. As soon as I walked in the door I found about three. I started to looked around and I found about twenty-five or so vintage hats. Of course me being who I am had to try on every one I found! I had so much fun with it. Of course I fell in love with almost every hat there. Some looked better than others, while some were just not good at all. Finally I decided to I wanted to take one home with me. And with the help of Grams and Gramps I narrowed it down to two this one and a straw navy blue and white stripped, with a dark blue eye veil. And as you can see this one really caught my eye and was a must buy! I can't wait to go back and maybe even find another hat to bring home. :-)
Five People to Pass This Along To:
1. Grams
2. Heather Cosby
3. Deborah Gay
4. Kate Herzoff
5. Jocelyn Christensen