I'd like to first thank Grams a million times over for her thoughtfulness and generosity of buying me a camera. You didn't have too, and yet you did. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
This Christmas I was given a brand new digital camera. When I was handed the box I could help but continue the game of "Let's figure it out before we open it." To my surprise I never would have guessed that it was a camera. As I finished unwrapping it, I slowly became shocked saying over and over "You didn't!" For what I held in my hands now was the same thing I was looking at about a week before in the store. I was amazed. I immediately ran over and gave Grams a great big hug. I loved it!
As soon as you could say "It had your name on it." I was opening the box checking out this new world of having a camera of my very own. Without looking at the manual I had most everything figured out, except one thing, charging the battery. Well, the question was more like "How do I know when the battery is done charging?" I eventually figured it out. I was then on my way to a world of capturing history.
Grams decided to let me take pictures for Christmas this year. It was a new experience, but very fun. We did our traditional family group shots. That was an experience with two teens who could take it seriously. Lol. It was fun though. Taking pictures has become a great part of my life and someday I hope to make a career of it! Until then it's to the camera! And lots of practice. :)
"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas 2008
So, it's been a long time since I've blogged. I feel ashamed, but life happens and some things just have to wait. Christmas this year was really exciting. I had decided sometime in November to make as many Christmas presents as I could. This was both a challenge and, in the end, a blessing. I realized that the greatest thing you can in life is to serve. And serving isn't always going out of your way to help with something or even helping total stranger. In actuality sometimes it's just within the reaches of your own family. That was what I did.
Christmas was at Mom's this year, a total and complete change from the normal routine. In fact, it was actually nice. The turn out was reasonable, all things considered, and it was nice to have the family there. Dinner was delicious, thanks to Mom, Rich, and Grams. Of course I really ought to thank everyone because we couldn't have done it without help from everyone! And I can't forget to thank everyone who came either. Overall Christmas was a success. Not perfect, but what ever is?
Looking back at our Christmas I can't help but think that it's the spirit an meaning of Christmas that matters the most. Gramps went in the hospital on the 23rd, for minor short stay surgery. After hours and hours of waiting impatiently, Gramps made it out of surgery and we were able to talk to the doctor. Somewhere in our conversation he asked me what Santa was bringing me this year. I replied with a simple "Whatever he brings." He said that that was a very good attitude and then related a story that he had told his children when they were small. The story goes something like this:
There was this boy who wanted a bicycle for Christmas. It was the only thing he wanted and his mother knew she couldn't afford to buy to buy it for him. The boy prayed every night for his bicycle. Finally Christmas day had come and there was no bicycle. His mother said "I'm sorry that God didn't answer your prayer." The boy replied with "Yes he did. He just said no."
*tear* It's a wonderful story that protryed the meaning of Christmas to more than "Look what I got for Christmas!" or "Hey, look at how much Santa brought me!" Instead it's much more than that. I love Christmas for the spirit that it brings into the lives of others, and my life as well.
Christmas was at Mom's this year, a total and complete change from the normal routine. In fact, it was actually nice. The turn out was reasonable, all things considered, and it was nice to have the family there. Dinner was delicious, thanks to Mom, Rich, and Grams. Of course I really ought to thank everyone because we couldn't have done it without help from everyone! And I can't forget to thank everyone who came either. Overall Christmas was a success. Not perfect, but what ever is?
Looking back at our Christmas I can't help but think that it's the spirit an meaning of Christmas that matters the most. Gramps went in the hospital on the 23rd, for minor short stay surgery. After hours and hours of waiting impatiently, Gramps made it out of surgery and we were able to talk to the doctor. Somewhere in our conversation he asked me what Santa was bringing me this year. I replied with a simple "Whatever he brings." He said that that was a very good attitude and then related a story that he had told his children when they were small. The story goes something like this:
There was this boy who wanted a bicycle for Christmas. It was the only thing he wanted and his mother knew she couldn't afford to buy to buy it for him. The boy prayed every night for his bicycle. Finally Christmas day had come and there was no bicycle. His mother said "I'm sorry that God didn't answer your prayer." The boy replied with "Yes he did. He just said no."
*tear* It's a wonderful story that protryed the meaning of Christmas to more than "Look what I got for Christmas!" or "Hey, look at how much Santa brought me!" Instead it's much more than that. I love Christmas for the spirit that it brings into the lives of others, and my life as well.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Toledo 2008
So, it's been a while since I've blogged and ya'll are probably wondering what's new. So here's you low down.
Saturday, December 6, was the first competition of the season. And we did great. Of course, there was a lot of preparation, discipline, and hard work involved to get to this point of achievement. Anyway, I'm sidetracked, again. Call us crazy, but every cadet going to competition was up from four o'clock a.m. until they went to bed about sixteen hours later. Yeah, we are die hards when it comes to our beloved JROTC program. It's the only way to be. We arrived at competition around eight o'clock and headed straight to work. I made sure that I was there for each of the exhibition teams, espescially my beloved Armed Exhibition Platoon. Each team did very well. My team, Armed Ex, took second! That's a first for about two, three years. Eventually we had the awards ceremony and headed home. It was a long hard day, but we all had fun. And it's that the point of doing it? Thought so.
Saturday, December 6, was the first competition of the season. And we did great. Of course, there was a lot of preparation, discipline, and hard work involved to get to this point of achievement. Anyway, I'm sidetracked, again. Call us crazy, but every cadet going to competition was up from four o'clock a.m. until they went to bed about sixteen hours later. Yeah, we are die hards when it comes to our beloved JROTC program. It's the only way to be. We arrived at competition around eight o'clock and headed straight to work. I made sure that I was there for each of the exhibition teams, espescially my beloved Armed Exhibition Platoon. Each team did very well. My team, Armed Ex, took second! That's a first for about two, three years. Eventually we had the awards ceremony and headed home. It was a long hard day, but we all had fun. And it's that the point of doing it? Thought so.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Homemade Christmas Presents
I decided this year, that instead of buying all my Christmas presents, I would make as may as I could. I figured that this would be a really fun thing to do. It would be challenging, but economically fun. Later I decided, with the help of Grams, that I would use this epiphany of an idea for a Young Women project. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
So far, I'm about eight or nine hours into the project and I've only nearly finished one of my many little activies. Each activity is as personalized and easy as I can make it. For example cross stitching. Easy enough, and not too time consuming.
I'd love to post some pictures of my projects, if only my email wasn't a pain. It won't allow me to download my pics that I send from my phone, it used to, but it won't now. Anyway, I''l try my best to paint vivid pictures in you mind. So here goes...
For Mom, I'm making a cross-stiched pot holder. It's white with a pocket, that you could put your hand in, on the front. When I finish it it'll have two bunnies, one female and one male, on either side of heart. The bunnies will be wearing the same colors but in opposites mening that if the male is wearing a teal shirt with blue cover-alls the female will have teal dress with a blue shirt.
For Dad, I'm putting together a "Single Dad's Survivor Kit". It'll include everything you need to survive the single parents life, such as: air freshener, ear plugs, all-purpose clear, work gloves, flash light and my personal favorite, DUCT TAPE!
For Leanna, I'm putting together a "Triple Star Get A Way". It's based off the "triple star treatment" from the book Cages. It includes: a candle, pouff, lotion, body spray, shower gel, and chocolate! In the book it was a bag of six-pointed chocolate stars, but in this case it's M&M's. It's more for those times that she needs a break from the kids.
For Richard, it'll be a nautical fleece tie blanket. One side is red with ships, trophies, helms wheel, fish, light houses etc. The other side will be a darker plain blue.
I'd better stop there before I completely give away everything! Haha. Some other things on my list are: homemade calendars with family pictures, homemade CD's (Christmas or Family Favorites), and some other "I can't say what they are" items.
So far, I'm about eight or nine hours into the project and I've only nearly finished one of my many little activies. Each activity is as personalized and easy as I can make it. For example cross stitching. Easy enough, and not too time consuming.
I'd love to post some pictures of my projects, if only my email wasn't a pain. It won't allow me to download my pics that I send from my phone, it used to, but it won't now. Anyway, I''l try my best to paint vivid pictures in you mind. So here goes...
For Mom, I'm making a cross-stiched pot holder. It's white with a pocket, that you could put your hand in, on the front. When I finish it it'll have two bunnies, one female and one male, on either side of heart. The bunnies will be wearing the same colors but in opposites mening that if the male is wearing a teal shirt with blue cover-alls the female will have teal dress with a blue shirt.
For Dad, I'm putting together a "Single Dad's Survivor Kit". It'll include everything you need to survive the single parents life, such as: air freshener, ear plugs, all-purpose clear, work gloves, flash light and my personal favorite, DUCT TAPE!
For Leanna, I'm putting together a "Triple Star Get A Way". It's based off the "triple star treatment" from the book Cages. It includes: a candle, pouff, lotion, body spray, shower gel, and chocolate! In the book it was a bag of six-pointed chocolate stars, but in this case it's M&M's. It's more for those times that she needs a break from the kids.
For Richard, it'll be a nautical fleece tie blanket. One side is red with ships, trophies, helms wheel, fish, light houses etc. The other side will be a darker plain blue.
I'd better stop there before I completely give away everything! Haha. Some other things on my list are: homemade calendars with family pictures, homemade CD's (Christmas or Family Favorites), and some other "I can't say what they are" items.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Temps! Yay!
So, I finally got my temps today! I've only been bugging Grams for, oh, a year! Haha. I'm just glad that I have them and can start learning how to drive.
We went up to Elyria to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (which some how we couldn't find) and requested the temps packet. After filling out some papers a verify information, I was ready to the the written part of the test. I was a little nervous, but that was only because it was a new experience. I took the test with ease and passed with 75%. I was hoping for higher, at least I passed though. Woo! Anyway I walked out there feeling pretty good. I was now able to drive.
Grams and I left the BMV. I figured that we would probably head home, but Grams had other plans. She drove up to Oberlin High School, parked the car and prepared to switch seats. By this time I was starting to freak out. I wanted to drive, but wasn't so sure of the whole thing. After a few jerks and laughs, I was navigating the parking lot with ease. After about an hour, Grams and I decided that I was ready for the road. I told her that she would have to navigate for me, since I didn't know the way home.
I managed to drive home in one piece and without too many problems. Grams had me take mostly back roads so I didn't have to worry too much about traffic. She also had me take Route 2 because we both figured that 254 would be a bit of a challenge. I did very well, except for some dumb idiot driver who almost cut me off on the on ramp. Other than that I did good.
I am totally excited to have my temps and am not so sure about the road ahead. (No pun intended. Haha.) Whatever comes, I'll be ready. For this new and exciting adventure that lies ahead.
We went up to Elyria to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (which some how we couldn't find) and requested the temps packet. After filling out some papers a verify information, I was ready to the the written part of the test. I was a little nervous, but that was only because it was a new experience. I took the test with ease and passed with 75%. I was hoping for higher, at least I passed though. Woo! Anyway I walked out there feeling pretty good. I was now able to drive.
Grams and I left the BMV. I figured that we would probably head home, but Grams had other plans. She drove up to Oberlin High School, parked the car and prepared to switch seats. By this time I was starting to freak out. I wanted to drive, but wasn't so sure of the whole thing. After a few jerks and laughs, I was navigating the parking lot with ease. After about an hour, Grams and I decided that I was ready for the road. I told her that she would have to navigate for me, since I didn't know the way home.
I managed to drive home in one piece and without too many problems. Grams had me take mostly back roads so I didn't have to worry too much about traffic. She also had me take Route 2 because we both figured that 254 would be a bit of a challenge. I did very well, except for some dumb idiot driver who almost cut me off on the on ramp. Other than that I did good.
I am totally excited to have my temps and am not so sure about the road ahead. (No pun intended. Haha.) Whatever comes, I'll be ready. For this new and exciting adventure that lies ahead.
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Possum Visit.
This is quite the story and it still freaks me out!
My friend called the other and I was having trouble hearing, so I went outside for minute. After a while I decided to go back in, but thought I should check on my bunnies one last time that night. So, I headed to the garage and opened the door. As soon as I stepped inside I had a possum staring me in face. I screamed. And very loudly at that. I stepped out side, took a deep breath and took another look. Yes, my eyes were not deceiving me there really was a possum in my garage and he really was looking at me from about twelve inches away. I totally freaked. All you heard for the next thirty seconds was "Daddy! Daddy!" Finally Gramps (dad) came to the breakfast nook window looking like "What is going on?" I told him that there was some animal in the garage and it looked like a possum. He said "Okay." and headed outside. As he came out I explained what I saw, and where, as he looked around. Once he saw it he was like "Yeah, that's a possum. He's a wild animal and you should stay back away from it." So I backed away into the back yard. By this time Robert, my friend who had called, was laughing at me. I was freaked and making a joke of it helped me not feel so "scared". Dad opened the front and side doors of the garage. He then took a stick with a jacket on the end and coaxed/pushed the possum out the door. Once he was out I closed the front door, while dad closed the side door. I was still pretty freaked out, but again laughing at it made it slightly better. That night I had nightmares about a possum being in the house and not being able to get it out of the house. Totally freaky. In fact I had dreams about it last night too. I guess it was due to the vivid freshness of a scary experience. Later that night I prayed for the possum that he would find a safe place, away from the city, to stay. The prayer was a little odd I guess but it helped me feel more at ease about things. Anyway, I can still see that calm possum looking at me, with no fear, and then curling up for a nap on top of my rabbit cages. I think that Samantha, Pegasus, and Rascal were scared too. And somehow I know exactly how they feel. In fact I'm still nervous about going to the garage, in the dark.
My friend called the other and I was having trouble hearing, so I went outside for minute. After a while I decided to go back in, but thought I should check on my bunnies one last time that night. So, I headed to the garage and opened the door. As soon as I stepped inside I had a possum staring me in face. I screamed. And very loudly at that. I stepped out side, took a deep breath and took another look. Yes, my eyes were not deceiving me there really was a possum in my garage and he really was looking at me from about twelve inches away. I totally freaked. All you heard for the next thirty seconds was "Daddy! Daddy!" Finally Gramps (dad) came to the breakfast nook window looking like "What is going on?" I told him that there was some animal in the garage and it looked like a possum. He said "Okay." and headed outside. As he came out I explained what I saw, and where, as he looked around. Once he saw it he was like "Yeah, that's a possum. He's a wild animal and you should stay back away from it." So I backed away into the back yard. By this time Robert, my friend who had called, was laughing at me. I was freaked and making a joke of it helped me not feel so "scared". Dad opened the front and side doors of the garage. He then took a stick with a jacket on the end and coaxed/pushed the possum out the door. Once he was out I closed the front door, while dad closed the side door. I was still pretty freaked out, but again laughing at it made it slightly better. That night I had nightmares about a possum being in the house and not being able to get it out of the house. Totally freaky. In fact I had dreams about it last night too. I guess it was due to the vivid freshness of a scary experience. Later that night I prayed for the possum that he would find a safe place, away from the city, to stay. The prayer was a little odd I guess but it helped me feel more at ease about things. Anyway, I can still see that calm possum looking at me, with no fear, and then curling up for a nap on top of my rabbit cages. I think that Samantha, Pegasus, and Rascal were scared too. And somehow I know exactly how they feel. In fact I'm still nervous about going to the garage, in the dark.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Weird. Not at all.
7 weird things about me? You gotta be kidding...I'm truly not that weird...but here goes:
1. I cannot eat Cherios with milk. I have to eat them out of the box and am often found carrying the box with me, where ever I go.
2. My feet have to be covered when I sleep. It doesn't matter if it's 30 or 95 degrees out. I have to have my feet covered.
3. My cell and my mp3 are two things that I would be lost without.
4. I love scrap booking, reading and writing poems. I just have to find more time to do them.
5. I've broken five different bones. The big bone in the elbow and toes 2-5 (every toe except the big toe) in my right foot. The elbow was broken on black ice and my toes in a bicycle accident. DO NOT wear flip flops! Very Dangerous!
6. I'm "double" joined as they put it, in all my toes and fingers, but on in the first and second joints.
7. I've always wondered what it would b like to work a farm. In fact, I've even toyed with the idea of having my own farm. Crazy, I know.
And I will tag: Phyllis, Heather, Karen, Deborah, Kate, and Jocelyn.
1. I cannot eat Cherios with milk. I have to eat them out of the box and am often found carrying the box with me, where ever I go.
2. My feet have to be covered when I sleep. It doesn't matter if it's 30 or 95 degrees out. I have to have my feet covered.
3. My cell and my mp3 are two things that I would be lost without.
4. I love scrap booking, reading and writing poems. I just have to find more time to do them.
5. I've broken five different bones. The big bone in the elbow and toes 2-5 (every toe except the big toe) in my right foot. The elbow was broken on black ice and my toes in a bicycle accident. DO NOT wear flip flops! Very Dangerous!
6. I'm "double" joined as they put it, in all my toes and fingers, but on in the first and second joints.
7. I've always wondered what it would b like to work a farm. In fact, I've even toyed with the idea of having my own farm. Crazy, I know.
And I will tag: Phyllis, Heather, Karen, Deborah, Kate, and Jocelyn.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Photo Tag!

So, I've been tagged. Beware I just might tag you! Lol. As I searched through my pictures folder, trying to figure out which picture would land on picture tag, I thought about how fun this might be. In fact it should be pretty fun, because I have a lot I can tell you about this picture and the story that comes with it.
It was just July 30, that I was loading a bus to Nauvoo for Youth Conference. I had my crutches in hand, with the undaunting determination to go. I wasn't going to miss this, ever! I hadn't been to Nauvoo since I was four and I wasn't going to let four broken toes stop me from partaking of the great testimony builder of a lifetime. I knew what was ahead, and I knew that I would have to rely on those around me for even the simplest things. I was a trooper though.
This picture was taken the last day of our trip. I had be excited for all the weeks events and I couldn't wait for Carthage Jail. I hadn't been to Carthage before, so this was a whole knew experience for me. I waited patiently as possible to tour the jail. By this, time I was used to the funny looks and the "Are you sure?" comments that came with the job description of Gimpy. Haha. I had gone through plenty of other houses and I wasn't going to miss this one!
From the moment I stepped into the jail I knew that it was hallowed ground. This was the beginning of my testimony of Joesph Smith. I mean the beginning of the sealing of my testimony of Joseph Smith. As we moved through the jail, from room to room, I felt the spirit so strongly and I, without a doubt, that Joseph Smith was really there and that his death was a very important part of our church's growth.
As I entered the Martyrdom Room I couldn't help but have the utmost reverence for the events that happened there. I knew, because of the strong spirit, that Joseph Smith did spend time, that he was a prophet of God, and that his death did happen here. I also got a taste of the love he had for his fellow beings. I hope that someday, in the life to come, that I will be able to talk to him as did with those early saints, that I will know him as they did, but most importantly to thank him. Thank him for his courage, sacrifice and endurance that he so faithfully endured and showed in a time of many harsh trials. I am so very grateful for love, his testimony, his sacrifice that he gave to reinstate the true gospel of Christ on this earth today.
Nauvoo was truly a testimony building experience. I was undaunted in my faith and determination to go, broken toes and all, and I am so grateful for that.
Jrotc Halloween Dance 2008
So, the Jrotc Halloween dance was Friday. Totally awesome! I went early to help set up, which was really cool. Danielle had some really good ideas, like spelling "Happy Halloween" in spider webs and using "Caution" tape with fog machines. It didn't take that long to set up and we had plenty of time to chill before the others arrived.
We had a lot of good costumes and some not so good costumes. Some of the good ones where "Men in Black", a wizard, "The Joker", army man, werewolf, "Elvis", and of course me; the T-Bird Greaser. A lot of the girls had "skimpy" outfits like French maid, sexy cop, sexy minnie mouse (not cool), and sexy "Queen of Hearts". Some did well in making them more appropriate than others. All in all the costumes where good and the turn out was even better!
By the time the dance was over I was exhausted. I had been on my feet for entire day and constantly moving. Thinking about it now, it was totally worth it. I spent time with friends, stepped out into the social world, and had fun! Oh, to the ones that didn't go...They sure missed out! Oh, and they'll be hearing about it from me come Monday. Muh ha ha. :D
We had a lot of good costumes and some not so good costumes. Some of the good ones where "Men in Black", a wizard, "The Joker", army man, werewolf, "Elvis", and of course me; the T-Bird Greaser. A lot of the girls had "skimpy" outfits like French maid, sexy cop, sexy minnie mouse (not cool), and sexy "Queen of Hearts". Some did well in making them more appropriate than others. All in all the costumes where good and the turn out was even better!
By the time the dance was over I was exhausted. I had been on my feet for entire day and constantly moving. Thinking about it now, it was totally worth it. I spent time with friends, stepped out into the social world, and had fun! Oh, to the ones that didn't go...They sure missed out! Oh, and they'll be hearing about it from me come Monday. Muh ha ha. :D
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Taking the ACT
So, now that my brain isn't in so much of a stupor, I think I'll blog some more. Lol. It's been a long week of chest colds, coughing, test-preping and just flat out wanting to be a lazy bum. Lazy bum, sounds good, even if it never really happened. Haha. Well, tha's life for ya, never stops going.
Anyway, Saturday 24 October, was the day of the ACT test. Whoo hoo! Not. I spent a lot of time preparing for this test. Practically the last month, to be exact. Getting back on track, the ACT wasn't too bad. I really didn't like the Reading and Science portions, but I think that was only because my brain was fried by the time I got to them, not to mention they were more on the hard side. Most of my class mates felt the way.
A lot of my friends were also taking the ACT the same day. It was comforting to know that I wasn't the only one. Which. even if my friends hadn't taken it, I wouldn't have been the only one taking the ACT. I'm hoping that we all did well, and won't have to worry about too much. I guess we'll find out in four to six weeks. Haha. Seems like everything takes that long to get.
As far as which college I'm going to, don't ask. I have not clue. I do know I'm going and I want to major in Photography (not a common major). Currently I'm looking an LCCC, for a year or two; Southern Virginia University; Otterbein; and Bowling Green State University. The options are endless, at least to point. The photography major is hard to come by, but that's what I want to do.
Anyway, Saturday 24 October, was the day of the ACT test. Whoo hoo! Not. I spent a lot of time preparing for this test. Practically the last month, to be exact. Getting back on track, the ACT wasn't too bad. I really didn't like the Reading and Science portions, but I think that was only because my brain was fried by the time I got to them, not to mention they were more on the hard side. Most of my class mates felt the way.
A lot of my friends were also taking the ACT the same day. It was comforting to know that I wasn't the only one. Which. even if my friends hadn't taken it, I wouldn't have been the only one taking the ACT. I'm hoping that we all did well, and won't have to worry about too much. I guess we'll find out in four to six weeks. Haha. Seems like everything takes that long to get.
As far as which college I'm going to, don't ask. I have not clue. I do know I'm going and I want to major in Photography (not a common major). Currently I'm looking an LCCC, for a year or two; Southern Virginia University; Otterbein; and Bowling Green State University. The options are endless, at least to point. The photography major is hard to come by, but that's what I want to do.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
1,403 Pounds of Animal Food and One Big Heart
I spent my three day weekend helping my mom with the various tasks of the rabbitry business. This was quite the sacrifice of time and service. I do not mean this as a complaint, but instead a learning experience.
I am often found as mom's right hand man (or woman, as she would say) helping to keep her head screwed on straight. This is quite the burden, but maybe it's a blessing too. Well, that was way of track. Lol. Mom, some friends of hers, and myself loaded the truck early Saturday morning and headed to Norwalk's TSC. Our goal: to place cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs in goo homes. This was, well not so successful. Anyway, while mom's friends worked on placing animals, mom and I headed to Ashland to get rabbit feed. Fter loading the feed, we headed back to Oberlin, to unload. This was an adventure. We had a time limit and a lot of feed to put away. It would have taken mom a lot longer on her own, if I hadn't been there.
We managed to unload everything and put into the proper bins, for storage. By the time it was time to go mom had a few more bags to deal with, while I helped with keeping the ball rolling and the mom out of stress land. Before we left for TSC again, mom asked Bandit if he wanted to go for ride. Of course Bandit did. (He takes every chance he can to leave the barn.) He was so cute becuase he hopped right into the front seat and sat there with that look of "Let's go!" and so we did.
When we got back to TSC, we found that one bunny was placed and the rest were coming home, again. We were glad that one had been placed and hoped that the word would be spread byt the time we came back in two weeks. Anyway, we loaded up and headed back to Oberlin. Upon returning to Oberlin we unloaded, put away an feed all of the bunnies. This took a while, as for it was dark, cold, and everyone was tired. Finally, we finished and headed home. Home to bed and sleep.
It was a long day full of adventures. As I think about it I wonder how much my mom really appreciates my help. Sometimes I wonderwhy I even bother. I guess in some way it's because I care.
I am often found as mom's right hand man (or woman, as she would say) helping to keep her head screwed on straight. This is quite the burden, but maybe it's a blessing too. Well, that was way of track. Lol. Mom, some friends of hers, and myself loaded the truck early Saturday morning and headed to Norwalk's TSC. Our goal: to place cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs in goo homes. This was, well not so successful. Anyway, while mom's friends worked on placing animals, mom and I headed to Ashland to get rabbit feed. Fter loading the feed, we headed back to Oberlin, to unload. This was an adventure. We had a time limit and a lot of feed to put away. It would have taken mom a lot longer on her own, if I hadn't been there.
We managed to unload everything and put into the proper bins, for storage. By the time it was time to go mom had a few more bags to deal with, while I helped with keeping the ball rolling and the mom out of stress land. Before we left for TSC again, mom asked Bandit if he wanted to go for ride. Of course Bandit did. (He takes every chance he can to leave the barn.) He was so cute becuase he hopped right into the front seat and sat there with that look of "Let's go!" and so we did.
When we got back to TSC, we found that one bunny was placed and the rest were coming home, again. We were glad that one had been placed and hoped that the word would be spread byt the time we came back in two weeks. Anyway, we loaded up and headed back to Oberlin. Upon returning to Oberlin we unloaded, put away an feed all of the bunnies. This took a while, as for it was dark, cold, and everyone was tired. Finally, we finished and headed home. Home to bed and sleep.
It was a long day full of adventures. As I think about it I wonder how much my mom really appreciates my help. Sometimes I wonderwhy I even bother. I guess in some way it's because I care.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Halloween Costume 2008.
In the last three years I have been a roman princess, a sailor, and a fifties girl. This year I want to be "Danny" from the musical Grease. I never knew that it would be the easiest and the hardest costume to put together. The basic white shirt, jeans, boots, and leather jacket is easy. It's what you put on the jaket that isn't. I never would have guessed that trying to put "'T' Birds" on the back would be so diffcult.
I spent a lot of time going from store to store trying to find the right thing for the right price. Finally I landed in Pat Catan's and found just the right thing. Iron letters and white felt. Now all I have to do if figure out haw I'm securing it to the jacket. It shouldn't be too hard, or so I think. I have tackled harder things so this one shouldn't be too bad. We'll see how it works out though. Lol.
I spent a lot of time going from store to store trying to find the right thing for the right price. Finally I landed in Pat Catan's and found just the right thing. Iron letters and white felt. Now all I have to do if figure out haw I'm securing it to the jacket. It shouldn't be too hard, or so I think. I have tackled harder things so this one shouldn't be too bad. We'll see how it works out though. Lol.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bunny-to-the-Rescue: A Service to the Community
Yesterday I spent my evening helping my mom "rescue" three bunnies. A man,in Medina, recently went through some changes in his life routine. Job, family, something, and he figured that he would not have the time to take care of three dogs, a bird, and three rabbits. Basically he was looking for a good home for his bunnies. His mother works with a breeder that knows my mom. She told them that there was this rabbit sale going on a TSC and that she should call there to find information about it. Se did and they were able to get my mom's number, so they could see if mom could help place their bunnies in good homes. And I'm sure you know what happened from there.
Mom decided that she would be more than willing to take the bunnies and find good homes for them. This she did. We both went down to Medina to "rescue" these rabbits. That was quite the adventure. I was able to help load the truck with all the gear that they were supplying, and the bunnies. They where really nice people and I could see that he really didn't want to let go of them. This only made me, and mom, want to try harder to find them a really good home.
Once we got everything settled, and on our way back home, I started to think of all the rabbits we had ever rescued. There are so many that we have saved from the meat house and given a good home. I could only feel joy in what I was helping to do. I also felt the pain of the man who was letting them go. It took a lot of courage to what he did. It also takes a great family to be willing to take them in and place them in good homes.
I started to think about Mini Lops and More. It is so much more than just a rabbitry. Indeed it is a lot of work to keep up with, but some how it's more than just breeding and selling bunnies. I think it has something to do with the rescue work that we have done. If we hadn't they probably would have landed in the meat market and that just ain't cool. We've been able to make others happy and to feel good doing it.
Many might think that our rabbitry is a lost case and a dream that should not be pursued. I beg to differ. Owning and running a rabbitry is much more than it seems. It takes team work, discipline, hard work and love. You have to love what you do. And I would have to say, no matter what mom thinks, that she loves what she does with her rabbitry. For else, if she did not, then why would she even try?
I love helping mom with breeding, raising, selling, rescuing, and showing our bunnies. Yes, it takes a lot of hard work, but it really is worth it. I'm not saying that I will pursue my own rabbitry, but I do love helping and learning from what I do do with our bunnies.
Mom decided that she would be more than willing to take the bunnies and find good homes for them. This she did. We both went down to Medina to "rescue" these rabbits. That was quite the adventure. I was able to help load the truck with all the gear that they were supplying, and the bunnies. They where really nice people and I could see that he really didn't want to let go of them. This only made me, and mom, want to try harder to find them a really good home.
Once we got everything settled, and on our way back home, I started to think of all the rabbits we had ever rescued. There are so many that we have saved from the meat house and given a good home. I could only feel joy in what I was helping to do. I also felt the pain of the man who was letting them go. It took a lot of courage to what he did. It also takes a great family to be willing to take them in and place them in good homes.
I started to think about Mini Lops and More. It is so much more than just a rabbitry. Indeed it is a lot of work to keep up with, but some how it's more than just breeding and selling bunnies. I think it has something to do with the rescue work that we have done. If we hadn't they probably would have landed in the meat market and that just ain't cool. We've been able to make others happy and to feel good doing it.
Many might think that our rabbitry is a lost case and a dream that should not be pursued. I beg to differ. Owning and running a rabbitry is much more than it seems. It takes team work, discipline, hard work and love. You have to love what you do. And I would have to say, no matter what mom thinks, that she loves what she does with her rabbitry. For else, if she did not, then why would she even try?
I love helping mom with breeding, raising, selling, rescuing, and showing our bunnies. Yes, it takes a lot of hard work, but it really is worth it. I'm not saying that I will pursue my own rabbitry, but I do love helping and learning from what I do do with our bunnies.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
First and Last Homecoming.
Yesterday was Southview's homecoming dance. It was really good. I had a lot of fun. I kind of wish that I had at least gone more than once while in high school, but none the less I enjoyed the dance.
It was a "Red Carpet Night" and they did an awesome job in making you feel like you really were a celebrity of worth. The entrance to the dance consisted of a red carpet, spot lights, "V.I.P. Entrance", and they even announced your name as you walked into the dance. The commons barely even looked like the commons. The light, decorations, and people seemed to make it more than just a school cafeteria. About 580 were in attendance and everyone was having fun.
I'd have to say that I was deeply saddened to see so many immodest dresses there. Some dresses had potential, but others had no hope of ever being modest. Halters, neck lines cut way down there, very short in length, spaghetti straps. So not worth looking "slutty", "sexy", and so not worth giving out the wrong message. If only they knew what they were doing and saying when they dress so immodestly. I just don't get it.
Ignoring all of that, it was still a good dance. I got to hang out with friends and have fun. I didn't need a date, or to dance every dance, to have fun. If fact it took a lot of courage for me to walk in that dance by myself. It was totally worth it! Gosh, I'm gonna miss high school, but there's always other opportunities to have fun. A big shout out to the Class of 2009! Let's make it the best year yet! Hooah!
It was a "Red Carpet Night" and they did an awesome job in making you feel like you really were a celebrity of worth. The entrance to the dance consisted of a red carpet, spot lights, "V.I.P. Entrance", and they even announced your name as you walked into the dance. The commons barely even looked like the commons. The light, decorations, and people seemed to make it more than just a school cafeteria. About 580 were in attendance and everyone was having fun.
I'd have to say that I was deeply saddened to see so many immodest dresses there. Some dresses had potential, but others had no hope of ever being modest. Halters, neck lines cut way down there, very short in length, spaghetti straps. So not worth looking "slutty", "sexy", and so not worth giving out the wrong message. If only they knew what they were doing and saying when they dress so immodestly. I just don't get it.
Ignoring all of that, it was still a good dance. I got to hang out with friends and have fun. I didn't need a date, or to dance every dance, to have fun. If fact it took a lot of courage for me to walk in that dance by myself. It was totally worth it! Gosh, I'm gonna miss high school, but there's always other opportunities to have fun. A big shout out to the Class of 2009! Let's make it the best year yet! Hooah!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Samantha. Pegasus. Rascal.

I can still remember the day that these four little ones entered my life. But, I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Lol. Back in April of 2008, I signed up to take a doe and litter project for 4-H. I had previously taken a pet rabbit project and this year I wanted to explore the breeding end of it. I was excited and a little nervous on the whole idea of breeding Samantha. Mom had bred many rabbits before and had the knowledge to help me through this new adventure that I was taking on.
Mom and I bred Samantha to one of her bucks, who I affectionately call Grundly, on June 10, 2008. I hated the idea of breeding them, but I wanted to have little ones. You can have one without the other. It's just the way of life. Anyway, It was about two weeks later that mom palpated, felt for babies, to see if the breeding took or not. She found that it had. We both felt these little grape sized babies forming. I was so excited!
Thirty- one days later I had four beautiful little ones. I had moved Samantha from Oberlin to my aunt's house, where she was closer and easier to keep an eye on. I remember the Friday morning that Mom, Roland, and I went to my aunt's to check on Samantha. That was a morning of much excitement. I had gone downstairs, to the basement, to check on and feed Samantha. This is when I discovered four tiny little ones in her cage. I got so full of excitement, that I ran upstairs hollering "Mom! Mom! Come quick!" Mom knew, before she had even stepped inside, that the babies had come.

When we investigated we found that there were six born the night before. Two did not make it very long after birth. We were surprised to see that there were only two solid ones and four broken ones. That was fairly good for a broken and a solid being bred together. Anyway, I remember Mom picking up one of the babies and handing it to me. I practically freaked. I had been several years since I had held a baby kit in my hand, not to mention I had never held a brand new kit in my hands before, ever. I quickly got used to the idea of holding them.
It was three days later, that I lost two of the four who survived. I had Been there the night before, with Mom, to help make sure that the babies had a chance to feed. The only solid that I had left was doing fine, but all of a sudden he began to be still and wasn't squirming as much as before. We started to get worried. He seemed to have got chilled and we tried to warm him and get him moving again. The whole time I knew I was going to loose him. I could feel this little spirit slipping away from me. This happened to one of his siblings, but he seemed to be doing fine and I wasn't so worried about him. The next morning came And I had Lost the solid and one of the broken ones. I was in tears. I knew that there wasn't anything I could do except bury them and turn them over to Heavenly Father. When mom and I got to Oberlin we took care of her bunnies and then buried the two that I had lost. I buried all four, of the ones I lost, in the same place. I mourned their loss and rejoiced in the time I had with them. I also rejoiced in the life of the two that had survived.

Since then, I have been privilaged to raise the two cutest and sweetest bunnies. Mind you I have been apart of other bunnies live's but never been there their to teach them and raise them. It's been a wonderful experience that has tought me much about caring for animals. It has also tought me to be more responsible. I love watching them grow and learn. They are very curious about the world around them. It has truly been a joy raising these two fine young rabbits ands I hope that I will be privilaged to do it again with another litter.

It has truly been a joy having them around. I am grateful each and every day to have them.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Real Dragonfly: The Story Behind The Picture
So, Grams gave me this really cool idea today. She made the suggestion that I should put the picture of "my" dragonfly on my blog, somewhere, because it would fit the title of my blog "A Dragonfly's Life. So, thinking it was a good idea I decided to see what I could do.
I played around with it to see what I liked the most and the results are obviously what you see when you arrive at my blog. I then got to thinking that not everyone knows the story of my dragonfly and how the picture come to be. So here is the quite interesting story of the dragonfly you see here on my blog...
Every year Grams and I attend our Winans Sanborn Family Reunion, which is always the Sunday after Father's Day. This year Grams, Mom, Harley and I all went. It was quite the experience, but very fun in itself. We had a lot of fun talking and catching up on the year's events.
During the course of the day I spent a lot of time with the other youth that attended. I always seem to do this as I have always had more fun with them, than talking about things I had no recollection of such as the earlier reunions. Not that genealogy isn't interesting, mind you.
By the end of the day one of the younger youth had noticed a dragonfly. This particular dragonfly seemed to have it's own calm way about it that was just not natural for dragonflies or other insects of the nature. It seemed to not be afraid of the human presence.
I, being the dragonfly lover that I am, had to get a closer look. I was fascinated by this gorgeous creature of beauty. I was surprised when I was able to get really close to it and not have it fly away. By this time I had to have a picture of this strange, yet beautiful creature. It allowed me to get within only about two inches of it so I could take a picture with my camera phone. I was utterly amazed. I was also excited because I was able to capture a real live dragonfly. How often does that happen?
I am grateful to have had that opportunity to be that close to a dragonfly and capture its beauty. Mother Nature is a wondrous thing. Kind of like life.
I played around with it to see what I liked the most and the results are obviously what you see when you arrive at my blog. I then got to thinking that not everyone knows the story of my dragonfly and how the picture come to be. So here is the quite interesting story of the dragonfly you see here on my blog...
Every year Grams and I attend our Winans Sanborn Family Reunion, which is always the Sunday after Father's Day. This year Grams, Mom, Harley and I all went. It was quite the experience, but very fun in itself. We had a lot of fun talking and catching up on the year's events.
During the course of the day I spent a lot of time with the other youth that attended. I always seem to do this as I have always had more fun with them, than talking about things I had no recollection of such as the earlier reunions. Not that genealogy isn't interesting, mind you.
By the end of the day one of the younger youth had noticed a dragonfly. This particular dragonfly seemed to have it's own calm way about it that was just not natural for dragonflies or other insects of the nature. It seemed to not be afraid of the human presence.
I, being the dragonfly lover that I am, had to get a closer look. I was fascinated by this gorgeous creature of beauty. I was surprised when I was able to get really close to it and not have it fly away. By this time I had to have a picture of this strange, yet beautiful creature. It allowed me to get within only about two inches of it so I could take a picture with my camera phone. I was utterly amazed. I was also excited because I was able to capture a real live dragonfly. How often does that happen?
I am grateful to have had that opportunity to be that close to a dragonfly and capture its beauty. Mother Nature is a wondrous thing. Kind of like life.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So, home coming is Friday and I have been totally excited to go! That is unusual, because for the last three years I have had no interest at all in homecoming. In fact I'm not usually hyped about any dance. In this case I am. I made a promise three years ago that I had to go to homecoming and prom senior year. And for once in my life I am totally excited for a dance, other than Military Ball.
This year's theme is "A Red Carpet Night". Sounds pretty fun. I have seen pictures of the previous years in the yearbook, but they had never really enticed me. This year, I am keeping a promise and I am totally loving it! My goal has been to lighten up and have some "responsible" fun, meaning not goofing off so much that I'm slacking. My new attitude has done much for me. I have learned that some things aren't as bad as they seem.
Now that whole homecoming court thing, never did get that. I was thinking about running just for the fun of it, but never turned the application in. Haha. Wouldn't have mattered anyway. It's all just a popularity contest anyway. Of course I never vote for popular ones, instead for the ones who I think would appreciate having the position, never for the popluar.
Anywho, I'm really excited for Saturday and I can't wait to go! It should be a lot of fun! I'm actually going to a dance, other than our Jrotc dances. Wow. What a thought. Lol.
This year's theme is "A Red Carpet Night". Sounds pretty fun. I have seen pictures of the previous years in the yearbook, but they had never really enticed me. This year, I am keeping a promise and I am totally loving it! My goal has been to lighten up and have some "responsible" fun, meaning not goofing off so much that I'm slacking. My new attitude has done much for me. I have learned that some things aren't as bad as they seem.
Now that whole homecoming court thing, never did get that. I was thinking about running just for the fun of it, but never turned the application in. Haha. Wouldn't have mattered anyway. It's all just a popularity contest anyway. Of course I never vote for popular ones, instead for the ones who I think would appreciate having the position, never for the popluar.
Anywho, I'm really excited for Saturday and I can't wait to go! It should be a lot of fun! I'm actually going to a dance, other than our Jrotc dances. Wow. What a thought. Lol.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
18th Birthday Party!
I have officially been eighteen for one week. How awesome is that!?! Well, my party was today and it was great! My dad and two youngest brothers came all the way from Risingsun to be at my party. I was so excited to see them! I also had my great uncle there as well as many other family members whom I love to death. I also had the privilege of having friends there too!
My step-dad, Rich, was able to get his friend, Bob, to DJ for the party. I really enjoyed having the music. It was a relief to not have to worry about "babysitting" Cd's and boom boxes. Bob did an awesome job! Having him there, playing music, really brought the party together!
We played all sorts of games from trivia, to riddles, to mind teasers, we played it all. The snow ball dance was probably the best one. Grams and Gramps started the dance and eventually we had most everyone on the dance floor. We had to drag Harley out there, but we got him out there. Lol. Everyone enjoyed having some fun.
Grams had bought an ice cream cake, which I had no knowledge of it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the surprise! It was decorated with a blue Ford Mustang with sprinkles. It was a lovely cake, just like the ones before. Thank you, Grams! She also did a fabulous job helping with the food and set-up. In fact everyone who helped did a fabulous job! I enjoyed myself and the party. It was great! If fact you only turn eighteen once, right? So why not have some fun!
My step-dad, Rich, was able to get his friend, Bob, to DJ for the party. I really enjoyed having the music. It was a relief to not have to worry about "babysitting" Cd's and boom boxes. Bob did an awesome job! Having him there, playing music, really brought the party together!
We played all sorts of games from trivia, to riddles, to mind teasers, we played it all. The snow ball dance was probably the best one. Grams and Gramps started the dance and eventually we had most everyone on the dance floor. We had to drag Harley out there, but we got him out there. Lol. Everyone enjoyed having some fun.
Grams had bought an ice cream cake, which I had no knowledge of it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the surprise! It was decorated with a blue Ford Mustang with sprinkles. It was a lovely cake, just like the ones before. Thank you, Grams! She also did a fabulous job helping with the food and set-up. In fact everyone who helped did a fabulous job! I enjoyed myself and the party. It was great! If fact you only turn eighteen once, right? So why not have some fun!
Friday, September 26, 2008

As some of you know, I am a member of the Southview JROTC program. It is a great program to be in! I absolutely love it! The program consists of a ninety minute class that teaches you to be a better student, leader, and citizen. Here you learn how to march and properly salute. You also learn what a leader is and how to become a better one. Along with the class there are many opportunities to get involved with extra curricular activities. We have several drill teams who compete against other schools. These drill teams include: Armed IDR, Unarmed IDR, Armed Exhibition, Unarmed Exhibition, Color Guard, Honor Guard, and Marksmanship. We also have a lot of opportunities to do service to our community like participating in "Clothe-A-Child", Salvation Army Bell Ringing, and a service learning project.
If you think that the JROTC program is nothing but serious stuff, you're sadly mistaken. We have at least two if not three dances a year; Military Ball, Halloween Dance, and a Valentine's Day Dance. We also have Cosmic Bowling nights in which we can raise the money for our great dances. The Saints Battalion is always having fun in one way or another. Once at competition there was a flickering light in the hallway. Well, it seemed to be that we where all fascinated with it and looked at it for minutes on end. Since then we have joked about it. We love to have fun, but also know when we need to be serious. hence the name "Crazy ROTC Kids."
I have been in the program for three years now. I am currently working on my fourth and final year in this great program. Armed Exhibition has been my life for the last two years and I will greatly miss our hard working team. JROTC is truly a great program. The nice thing about it is that you experiance the millitary life and have no obligation to join the military, that is unless you want to. Lol. Many have asked me if I plan to continue the program in college. The truth is simply this: I do not know. I have enjoyed the program greatly and have thought about continuing in college, but I do not know if I will. In the mean time, I enjoy Armed Exhibiton, JROTC, and competition.
If you think that the JROTC program is nothing but serious stuff, you're sadly mistaken. We have at least two if not three dances a year; Military Ball, Halloween Dance, and a Valentine's Day Dance. We also have Cosmic Bowling nights in which we can raise the money for our great dances. The Saints Battalion is always having fun in one way or another. Once at competition there was a flickering light in the hallway. Well, it seemed to be that we where all fascinated with it and looked at it for minutes on end. Since then we have joked about it. We love to have fun, but also know when we need to be serious. hence the name "Crazy ROTC Kids."
I have been in the program for three years now. I am currently working on my fourth and final year in this great program. Armed Exhibition has been my life for the last two years and I will greatly miss our hard working team. JROTC is truly a great program. The nice thing about it is that you experiance the millitary life and have no obligation to join the military, that is unless you want to. Lol. Many have asked me if I plan to continue the program in college. The truth is simply this: I do not know. I have enjoyed the program greatly and have thought about continuing in college, but I do not know if I will. In the mean time, I enjoy Armed Exhibiton, JROTC, and competition.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Stepdad.
So, in the last forty-eight hours I've been thinking about my stepdad. In the beggining I didn't reaally like the idea of him getting "hitched" to my mom. I hated it. Not that I hated him, infact I thought he was a really cool guy, but I just didn't like the idea of mom marrying him.
I'd always thought of Rich as being an "un-official member" of the family. That was cool and all, that is until he married my mom. I hated the idea of another man in mom's life. I guess, looking back at it, that I was scared to get close to another man in my mothers life. I was scared that if I did I would only get hurt. I saw so many guys come and go from my mother's life and I was tired of it. I was so tired of it, that I made sure that I wasn't at the wedding. Now, I kind of wish I was.
As time went on I came across the quote that reads: "If you hold back because you're afraid of getting hurt, you wind up getting hurt anyway." I thought about this long and hard. It was so true, especially when it came to relationships. So, I started thinking differently. I began to pick out the good things and leave the rest out. I started to see how Mom and Harley felt about Rich. I could see that he meant a lot to Mom. Grams and Gramps seemed to like him. They actually thought it was nice having him around. Once I saw things from a different light, things seemed to fall in place.
It was just a little over two weeks, when Rich took Mom, Harley, Andy and myself to dinner in honor of Mom's birthday. It was then that I started to think about Rich in a totally different light. Andy had asked who was paying for dinner. I started to say "Dad." and then quickly changed it to "Rich." That Monday, at family home evening, I made the comment about what had happened that night. I also mentioned the thing about Rich. It was then when Mom relayed this information to me: "Rich doesn't mind if you call him 'Dad'." I was in stupor for but a moment. That statement started a long string of mental thoughts that somewhat made sense.
I'd seen what he's done for me. Card's and chocolate at Valentine's Day. The work he put into finding the right birthday presents. Talking to me about Ford Mustangs and how he would help me find an Old School Mustang that we could re-fabricate. And asking a friend of his to DJ at my 18th birthday party and even paying for it. Some say that he may be trying to buy his way into my good list, but to me he really cares. Come to think of it he does.
I realized that Rich really did care about me and my brothers. That he tried to show it in what he said and did. It just dawned on me all at once. I really have changed my attitude about Rich. And attitude really does make the difference. I'm proud to call Rich my stepdad and maybe someday I'll be proud call him my dad. In the mean time I thank him so much for all he has done for me. Thank so much, Rich. You're awsome!
I'd always thought of Rich as being an "un-official member" of the family. That was cool and all, that is until he married my mom. I hated the idea of another man in mom's life. I guess, looking back at it, that I was scared to get close to another man in my mothers life. I was scared that if I did I would only get hurt. I saw so many guys come and go from my mother's life and I was tired of it. I was so tired of it, that I made sure that I wasn't at the wedding. Now, I kind of wish I was.
As time went on I came across the quote that reads: "If you hold back because you're afraid of getting hurt, you wind up getting hurt anyway." I thought about this long and hard. It was so true, especially when it came to relationships. So, I started thinking differently. I began to pick out the good things and leave the rest out. I started to see how Mom and Harley felt about Rich. I could see that he meant a lot to Mom. Grams and Gramps seemed to like him. They actually thought it was nice having him around. Once I saw things from a different light, things seemed to fall in place.
It was just a little over two weeks, when Rich took Mom, Harley, Andy and myself to dinner in honor of Mom's birthday. It was then that I started to think about Rich in a totally different light. Andy had asked who was paying for dinner. I started to say "Dad." and then quickly changed it to "Rich." That Monday, at family home evening, I made the comment about what had happened that night. I also mentioned the thing about Rich. It was then when Mom relayed this information to me: "Rich doesn't mind if you call him 'Dad'." I was in stupor for but a moment. That statement started a long string of mental thoughts that somewhat made sense.
I'd seen what he's done for me. Card's and chocolate at Valentine's Day. The work he put into finding the right birthday presents. Talking to me about Ford Mustangs and how he would help me find an Old School Mustang that we could re-fabricate. And asking a friend of his to DJ at my 18th birthday party and even paying for it. Some say that he may be trying to buy his way into my good list, but to me he really cares. Come to think of it he does.
I realized that Rich really did care about me and my brothers. That he tried to show it in what he said and did. It just dawned on me all at once. I really have changed my attitude about Rich. And attitude really does make the difference. I'm proud to call Rich my stepdad and maybe someday I'll be proud call him my dad. In the mean time I thank him so much for all he has done for me. Thank so much, Rich. You're awsome!
Party Plans!
Ok, so I've been planning my 18th birthday party since the 20th. It's been hillarious! I keep trying to get ahead of myself and it just dosen't work. So. I'm always telling myself to slow down and take it easy. After all, I do have a week, plenty of time, if I plan it all just right.
Since Sunday I have been undauntingly trying to reach that long list, 33 to be exact, of people. Some have responded with quick enthusiasum, others not so quite, and still others not at all. No matter, I have not given up on the idea of getting as many of them, as I can, to come. It's kind of funny because most people thought that I had had a party on my birthday, while the fact was I was really shopping. Yep, shopping.
I spent my birthday shopping for cool and crazy things for my party. Gramps had taken Grams and I to dinner the night before, as well as to see "Mama Mia!", so shopping was no problem. Not to mention I wanted to! I was so excited to get started with plans that it didn't bother me to start then, on my birthday.
Anyway, I love to shop, especially window shop. Yeah, it's a little funny to some, but I love window shopping. In this case, I was actually going to spend money. Haha. We went up to the mall and, well, did a little damage. Lol. Not too much mind you. We spent most of our time in Dollar Tree looking for decorations. Well, that turned into decorations and prizes and party favors. It was fun too see what we all came up with for prizes. I was going for practical as well as something for everyone. Ya know, something like notebooks or car air fresheners, stuff like that. The other two, well, they had some really good ideas and some not so good ideas. Lol.
After a few more stops, we made it home. Home with a pile of bags up to our elbows. In fact I'm still somewhere, in that pile, trying to make some sense of it. Lol. It's all cool, though.
Since Saturday I have been making list after list of things to do, who's coming or not coming, what I have and what I need etc. Grams says I make too many lists, but the thing is if I don't I'll go insane. I'm very organized when it comes to certain things like school, my locker, and even plans for the day. Anyway, I still have a lot to do by Friday, but it's coming together piece by piece. In the mean time I try to keep calm, focus, and most of all don't get ahead of myself. I find that you can't go from point "A" to point "D" without first going to points "B" and "C".
Since Sunday I have been undauntingly trying to reach that long list, 33 to be exact, of people. Some have responded with quick enthusiasum, others not so quite, and still others not at all. No matter, I have not given up on the idea of getting as many of them, as I can, to come. It's kind of funny because most people thought that I had had a party on my birthday, while the fact was I was really shopping. Yep, shopping.
I spent my birthday shopping for cool and crazy things for my party. Gramps had taken Grams and I to dinner the night before, as well as to see "Mama Mia!", so shopping was no problem. Not to mention I wanted to! I was so excited to get started with plans that it didn't bother me to start then, on my birthday.
Anyway, I love to shop, especially window shop. Yeah, it's a little funny to some, but I love window shopping. In this case, I was actually going to spend money. Haha. We went up to the mall and, well, did a little damage. Lol. Not too much mind you. We spent most of our time in Dollar Tree looking for decorations. Well, that turned into decorations and prizes and party favors. It was fun too see what we all came up with for prizes. I was going for practical as well as something for everyone. Ya know, something like notebooks or car air fresheners, stuff like that. The other two, well, they had some really good ideas and some not so good ideas. Lol.
After a few more stops, we made it home. Home with a pile of bags up to our elbows. In fact I'm still somewhere, in that pile, trying to make some sense of it. Lol. It's all cool, though.
Since Saturday I have been making list after list of things to do, who's coming or not coming, what I have and what I need etc. Grams says I make too many lists, but the thing is if I don't I'll go insane. I'm very organized when it comes to certain things like school, my locker, and even plans for the day. Anyway, I still have a lot to do by Friday, but it's coming together piece by piece. In the mean time I try to keep calm, focus, and most of all don't get ahead of myself. I find that you can't go from point "A" to point "D" without first going to points "B" and "C".
Saturday, September 20, 2008
18th Birthday!
So, today is my 18th birthday and I'm totally enjoying it! I wanted to be up at 7:54am, when I was born, but wasn't able to because my phone alarm got muffled so I couldn't hear it. I thought it'd be cool to be up then, just so I could enjoy the moment in it's entiety. Well, it didn't happen that way, but no biggie, there's always next year.
My Grandfather made homemade pancakes, which I wasn't so sure about, but they turned really good. Homemade is delicious and the chocolate chips and walnuts didn't hurt either. That was a great way to start the day! Mmm...pancakes!
After the moring feastivities I started planning my party for next week. This means phone calls, emails, texts and invites, along with game plans, decorations and everything else. I'm so excited, that most people have been wondering what has gotten into me. Haha, I'm perfectly sane I promise. Lol.
I'm totally excited to be 18 and so excited to celebrate it, too! I was counting down the days and the then hours and minutes until today. Now that today is here I'm so happy. My life has just begun, well not literally, but in other ways. If you know what I mean. It's been a great day so far and I'm hoping it will be an even greater day. Cheers to the life and day of the 18 year old!
My Grandfather made homemade pancakes, which I wasn't so sure about, but they turned really good. Homemade is delicious and the chocolate chips and walnuts didn't hurt either. That was a great way to start the day! Mmm...pancakes!
After the moring feastivities I started planning my party for next week. This means phone calls, emails, texts and invites, along with game plans, decorations and everything else. I'm so excited, that most people have been wondering what has gotten into me. Haha, I'm perfectly sane I promise. Lol.
I'm totally excited to be 18 and so excited to celebrate it, too! I was counting down the days and the then hours and minutes until today. Now that today is here I'm so happy. My life has just begun, well not literally, but in other ways. If you know what I mean. It's been a great day so far and I'm hoping it will be an even greater day. Cheers to the life and day of the 18 year old!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Blogging In A New World.
So, I've been hearing a lot about BlogSpot and to tell you the truth I've been very interested in it. I've sat a listened to Grams tell stories of all the things she's learned about our various friends. Each story is quite interesting and I've throughly enjoyed hearing them.
As I listened and learned I became very interested with the idea of a web site just for blogging. I've blogged a lot on Myspace and have enjoyed doing it. It was recently that I began to think that not everyone would be able to access my blog on Myspace. This is when I started to think about Blogspot. I started thinking that it would be a cool thing to do and it would be easier for those non-myspacers to keep up with what is going on. In conclusion I decided to start my own blog on Blogspot.
So, here I am blogging in a whole new world of blogs. I think I'm going to like it here on Blogspot and I'll try my best to keep it updated as much as I can. So Here's to a new adventure in a new world of nothing but blogs! Keep stopping by to cheack what's new because you never know what will land here in "A Dragonfly's Life".
As I listened and learned I became very interested with the idea of a web site just for blogging. I've blogged a lot on Myspace and have enjoyed doing it. It was recently that I began to think that not everyone would be able to access my blog on Myspace. This is when I started to think about Blogspot. I started thinking that it would be a cool thing to do and it would be easier for those non-myspacers to keep up with what is going on. In conclusion I decided to start my own blog on Blogspot.
So, here I am blogging in a whole new world of blogs. I think I'm going to like it here on Blogspot and I'll try my best to keep it updated as much as I can. So Here's to a new adventure in a new world of nothing but blogs! Keep stopping by to cheack what's new because you never know what will land here in "A Dragonfly's Life".
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