"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Taking the ACT

So, now that my brain isn't in so much of a stupor, I think I'll blog some more. Lol. It's been a long week of chest colds, coughing, test-preping and just flat out wanting to be a lazy bum. Lazy bum, sounds good, even if it never really happened. Haha. Well, tha's life for ya, never stops going.

Anyway, Saturday 24 October, was the day of the ACT test. Whoo hoo! Not. I spent a lot of time preparing for this test. Practically the last month, to be exact. Getting back on track, the ACT wasn't too bad. I really didn't like the Reading and Science portions, but I think that was only because my brain was fried by the time I got to them, not to mention they were more on the hard side. Most of my class mates felt the way.

A lot of my friends were also taking the ACT the same day. It was comforting to know that I wasn't the only one. Which. even if my friends hadn't taken it, I wouldn't have been the only one taking the ACT. I'm hoping that we all did well, and won't have to worry about too much. I guess we'll find out in four to six weeks. Haha. Seems like everything takes that long to get.

As far as which college I'm going to, don't ask. I have not clue. I do know I'm going and I want to major in Photography (not a common major). Currently I'm looking an LCCC, for a year or two; Southern Virginia University; Otterbein; and Bowling Green State University. The options are endless, at least to point. The photography major is hard to come by, but that's what I want to do.


kimlis said...

I tag you for picture tag. Choose 4th folder of your pictures and
4th picture in that folder. Post the picture and tell about it in your blog.

kimlis said...

So glad you took the test and did the best you could with it considering how miserable you felt last week. I'm glad you had friends around so you didn't feel quite so alone. I look forward to stories about your college experiences ... next year....

Susan said...

Oh please...if at all possible...skip LCCC. their photog classes stink. Ask me or Jill...we took one. IF ALL POSSIBLE go away. It's a great experience. Lonely you'll be maybe...but what you will gain makes up for all the tears. I know about that too since I shed an ocean of them by going to a school I wasn't happy with and not brave enough to leave. Of course, back in those days the university didn't have a good accreditation and not all credits transferred. Few, in fact. But that back in the day...I'm old...and highly opinionated. Take out the loans, get out of the country. Get a life for yourself. It's not here, honey!

Susan said...

Cris...check my blog...I just tagged you