"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Graduate.

The last couple of months have been rough. As the end of the first semester ends and the beginning of the second begins, so does the prospect of graduating. Or "grajutating" as Mrs DiFranco so affectionately says. It's a really scary thought for me, and half the time I end up in tears just trying to plan or talk about it. I know that in all reality it's not that big of a deal. Everyone just gets overly excited and goes crazy over the whole idea, when I just try to avoid it. Excitement is suppose to be there, and somehow it just seems like there shouldn't be so much of it. Yeah, I'm the first grand kid to graduate, but just don't get too excited.

I've waited thirteen years to graduate. Working my hardest everyday to see that I make it to graduation. This Is my year! My year is 2009! We did it! Just don't make a huge deal of it. To me, to celebrate is good, but to acheive is even better. Go class of 2009! For this is the year, our year.

1 comment:

kimlis said...

I just realized you have a bad case of senioritis. I don't recall senioritis as a malady when it was my senior year. I think you have the best part. You think and feel about where you are and where you are going and how you're going to get there. You've chosen to be a good student and it shows in all those college mailings you're no longer excited to receive.

You are taking one step at a time. You are taking care of one deadline before taking care of the next. That's part of your ability to organize your time like you've been doing since junior high.

Next year WILL be new and different and strange and exciting and wonderful. You WILL succeed at college the same as you have succeeded at high school.

I have confidence in you. You wait and see -- you're going to love it because you'll take it one day and one step at a time until the next graduation looms on your horizon...

you go girl! LYAaF grams