"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Acceptance to Otterbein College

Yesterday Grams asked me to go get the mail, for I was the only one with a pair of decent shoes on. I gladly jumped up, braced myself for the cold weather, and ran out to get the mail. As I thumbed through the mail, on the way in, I noticed that there was something for me. I quickly glanced at the senders address. It was from Otterbein College. as I quickly dashed inside from the cold, I tried very gracefully to open my letter. That didn't work as well as I thought it would. Lol. I was too excited to really care, though. I skimmed down to the part that really mattered. (That would totally be the body of the letter.) As I read aloud, I couldn't help but get over joyed by the words that left my mouth.

"We are pleased to inform you that we have accepted your application to Otterbein College."

My heart jumped. A small moment of pure joy had entered my life. I held in my hand a letter of acceptance to a college that I greatly look forward to attending. That small moment was soon replaced by the small fear of the journey to come.

As much as I look forward to attending Otterbein, there's this small fear...of life...that continuously haunts me. I want so many things in life and yet, I have no clue where to start or how to survive in this new "foreign land". Yeah, I know I'll be fine. I know that things will work out. That I have never lost faith in. I guess it's just the adventure of life and the unknown.


heather said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so excited for you! College is an exciting and scary time, but probably the most fun I have EVER had.

Millie said...


That is so cool. I'll give you a great big hug tomorrow at church. Love ya!!!

kimlis said...

That's my girl!

Of course, I've always known you'd get in because you're a phenomenal student and colleges like your type.

I sure hope our tour will elevate even more your feelings about this school.

dawnmercedes said...

Congrats! I applied and was accepted to Otterbein too! (Though I went somewhere else.) It's a lovely campus! Good luck!