"There comes a point in life, when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. ~Author Unknown"

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Senioritis: Phase One

Alright I've been slacking, but doesn't my title explain it all? Okay maybe not all, but it does explain a lot. So, we all know that Seniors, at one point or another get what we call "Senioritis". I was fortunate and had no problems with this so called Senioritis, that is until just last week.

Okay, so the deal is we finished my last, first semester of school on the 23rd of January. That's when it all started. I decided to go see my counselor about my second semester schedule. As I waited for, hmm, 45 minutes to see her, I had no clue what was a head. I walked into her office and everything was going great. We figured out that i would have to switch my government class around and omit the music studio class. That was fine and dandy, until later that day when the news turned bad.

Mrs. Wolf later called me at home to let me know the status of our scheduling plans. I had NO option of switching government classes. It just wasn't going to happen. I had one, and only one option left, to take a class independently. I was willing to do anything to get into Chorale, as both I and Mr. Hager want me to be there. This was bad news. Mrs. Wolf first thought that I would be able to Chorale independently. Wrong! My last and only option would be independent study government.

This is where I ran into other problems. The "chain of command" as I call it wasn't doing their job right. Mrs. Wolf was taking too, long so Ms. Smith sent me to Mrs. Keenan. Well, she sent me back to Mrs. Wolf who finally did something with the problem, even if she was slow doing it. Now I all have to do is wait for my principal Mrs. Carpenter to give me the approval for independent study Govrnment.

So, I shall wait. And wait some more. And wait even more.....


kimlis said...

You finally did it! What a learning process. Enough to drive anyone batty. Keep up the good work. Enjoy this semester amidst the work-work-wrk-wk
love ya still

kimlis said...

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